Senin, 15 Mei 2017

Here's My Answer (Why Islam prohibits to eat of pork and allow polygamy?)


Being a foreigner in another country has its own experience. we would never have thought that one day we will live in another country. I  would like to write this blog about my experiences living in the Philippines. 
Initially, I never thought to going abroad, especially to continue my study. I thought that my destiny brought me to Philippines. I had the opportunity to study abroad supported by Dr. Ridwansyah. He was my employer. 

The Philippines is predominantly Catholic Christian. As a Moslem, certainly has a lot of restrictions when living in non-Moslem countries. Especially food. Islam forbids his people to eat pork. Certainly it would be a question, why a Moslem does not to eat pork? 

Another question is often asked; why a Moslem man allowed to marry up to four women? This question becomes a laughingstock for them.
To answer these questions, I accidentally wrote in this blog, thus I easily remember it.

Why a Moslem does not to eat pork?
Pork is meats of pig. Pig is the most slovenly and disgusted animal. so people often say "pig" as a dirty word used to insult someone.

Islam is a true religion, holy, perfect and glorious. Islam teaches to love clean and avoid dirty. That is why Islam protects his people not to eat foods which containing a lot of diseases.
Dr. Yoshihiro, a scientist from University of Wisconsin, conducted research about pig. The result of the study explained that pig has one system in his body allowing various of virus gathered inside and this is harmful to the human body system. The conclusion is pig as "Mixing Vessel" or "Collection of Germ" as published in the Journal of Virology, 1997.
Pork also hasn’t neck to slaughter as other animals. If the animal can’t be slaughtered, blood and germs from the animal body can’t be excluded. Islam taught that the blood of animals is unclean (najis).

Why a moslem man allowed to marry up to four women?
Marry more then one wife is called polygamy. In fact, the Qur'an is the only scripture in the world that states just one wife. But allow to have two, three or four wives on condition should be able to feed. No other religious scriptures that commanded men to have only one wife. both in the Vedas, the Ramayana, the Mahabharat, the Geeta, the Talmud and the Bible do one find a restriction on the number of wives. According to these scriptures one can marry as many as one wishes. then, the priests of the Hindu and Christian imposes limits only one wife.

Many leaders of Hindu have many wives. Like King Dashrat, Rama’s father, had more than one wife. And Krishna also had several wives.

In the past, Christians are allowed many wives as they wished, since the Bible does not limit the number of wives. It was only a few centuries ago limiting only one wife.
 The Qur'an makes clear rules about polygamy

As Allah SWT said in Surah an-Nisa 'verse 3: "And if you fear you will not be able to do justice, then (marry) only one ...." Here is explained that one of the conditions that polygamy is fair ..

Polygamy is not a necessity but it is an option. It's often misunderstood. Even though polygamy is something that should not a compulsory. Polygamy is a solution of household problem solvers.

Islamic teachings are always thinking about the future. There are several reasons why Islam allows polygamy.

Women have a longer life than men
A female child has more immunity than a male child. A female child can fight the germs and diseases better than boys. For this reason, the age of the children themselves, Death of male more dominant than females.
Men are more likely to die from accidents and disease compared to women. The average life of women is older than men, and the number of widows in the world more than the number of widowers.

In the World female population is more dominant than male
Currently, we can notice that the number of women more than the number of men. It happens in many countries. We can compare it and we will find that the number of women more than the number of men.

Restrict men have only one wife will change sexual orientation for women who don't have a husband
Only two choices for a woman who can’t find a husband. it is married to a married man or to become public property. Islam gave women the honorable position by permitting the first option and the second prohibition.
From the description above, Islam gives concrete solutions to solve human problems. Therefore, Islam is a noble and perfect religion for mankind.

I hope this answer can be understood by people who ask. Islam is not a stupid religion, but Islam is a religion that makes easy for people

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